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This subject is:  “"Needles are not Contiguous" message”

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  Posted on Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 10:36:04 AM
If you´re getting this message, it means that you created your design using colors that were not in sequential order.

If the first object of your design was assigned needle #2 on the screen, your second object was assigned needle #5, etc, you will end up with a color sequence of 2-5-7-10-3, etc.

This doesn´t create a problem per se on the DSG file, which can retain the color information in the design. However, at the time of exporting that design into a stitch file (DST, EXP, HUS, PES, etc), it *might* create a problem at the time of sewing out the design, with the main symptom being that you´d lose a color change somewhere in the process.

This is why at the time of exporting, if your color assignment was not sequential, you´ll get the message of "Needles are not Contiguous", and you are also prompted to fix it.

Choosing "yes" to fix it basically means that the software will reshuffle the needles so instead of 2-5-7-10-3, etc, you end up with 1-2-3-4-5, etc.

So, if you ever had a 5-color design but the machine only asked you for 4 colors, yet when you load the DSG back on the screen all 5 colors are there, but the machine keeps losing a color change in the process and asking for 4... you´ve been suffering from bad-color-assignmentitis, and the Doctor will prescribe a "yes" to the "Needles are not Contiguous" message.
  Replied on Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 11:58:28 AM  
GREAT TIMING on this bit of info, I just came across that very issue!Thanks Daniel!